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  • Messaggi
    Post: 9
    00 07/08/2007 21:57
    in the new millenium it has entered here in crisis is the eternal return of the nichilismo is the spirit of the time idealist is progressive, saliente and imperative categorical of the illuminismo the telematico technical classic. In field permane variable the decostruente temporal ermeneutica or or variety the ontologia of the time of the poetante thought. In the uninterrupted path that leads to the glade of the diradanza of the space and the time eventua the new epochè of the new millenium: on the ruins of the modern one and postmodern of the progressismo and the eternal return of null, which the Koinè, opportune time ontologico time poetante time that reveals the essence of interests, which physis that it inhabits the world poeticamente which koineseyn to be koinè to be poetante time of it interest. 4, Descriptions object to you, programs and methodology of the search It objects to you The search on the ontologia of the ontologico or k!
    airologico time reveals us the path of the being in field in the topology of the being, which space of the time of the new epochè. It will be attempted to comprise if that temporal event, beyond embezzling from the oblivion the essence of the being and putting into effect the overcoming of the eternal nichilista return, or the spirit of the time idealist, or the categoriale imperative progressismo of the teleteologico illuminismo tecno knows also to offer or to throw the fondatezza of the poetante in quality, at least virtual or imaginary being, of ontologia, ermeneutica, but above all of new epistemè of the knowledge, or at least which new model of the mathesis of science Programs The philosophical search on the ontologia of the time is indifferibile of forehead to the events of the being of the epistemè, the technè and the physis. The irreversible progressive time has left the field the imaginary time, negative, neghentropico in astrophysics, quantica microphysics the!
    time has been left the reversibility of a front future that n!
    ot was.
    Not there is still neither in the epistemologia, neither in mathesis a theory that it not only knows to offer the classic necessary adequacy of the temporal truth, but above all and for more jets the fondatezza for one ermeneutica interpretation of the ontologia of the time of the being in the physis, the world, in the ontologico universe, congruente and conjugated with one mathesis topologica: from the topology of the being in the world to the topology of the ontologico time this will be the program unfolded in two bifurcations classic and virtual. The program classic will be centralized on the ontologica difference of the temporalità: in the epistemè, the technè, the mitopoiesi, the fenomenologia, the intenzionalità, the physis, the poetante thought, the imaginar....
    Post: 9
    00 11/08/2007 23:18
    gpdimonderose, 07/08/2007 21.57:

    in the new millenium it has entered here in crisis is the eternal return of the nichilismo is the spirit of the time idealist is progressive, saliente and imperative categorical of the illuminismo the telematico technical classic. In field permane variable the decostruente temporal ermeneutica or or variety the ontologia of the time of the poetante thought. In the uninterrupted path that leads to the glade of the diradanza of the space and the time eventua the new epochè of the new millenium: on the ruins of the modern one and postmodern of the progressismo and the eternal return of null, which the Koinè, opportune time ontologico time poetante time that reveals the essence of interests, which physis that it inhabits the world poeticamente which koineseyn to be koinè to be poetante time of it interest. 4, Descriptions object to you, programs and methodology of the search It objects to you The search on the ontologia of the ontologico or k!
    airologico time reveals us the path of the being in field in the topology of the being, which space of the time of the new epochè. It will be attempted to comprise if that temporal event, beyond embezzling from the oblivion the essence of the being and putting into effect the overcoming of the eternal nichilista return, or the spirit of the time idealist, or the categoriale imperative progressismo of the teleteologico illuminismo tecno knows also to offer or to throw the fondatezza of the poetante in quality, at least virtual or imaginary being, of ontologia, ermeneutica, but above all of new epistemè of the knowledge, or at least which new model of the mathesis of science Programs The philosophical search on the ontologia of the time is indifferibile of forehead to the events of the being of the epistemè, the technè and the physis. The irreversible progressive time has left the field the imaginary time, negative, neghentropico in astrophysics, quantica microphysics the!
    time has been left the reversibility of a front future that n!
    ot was.
    Not there is still neither in the epistemologia, neither in mathesis a theory that it not only knows to offer the classic necessary adequacy of the temporal truth, but above all and for more jets the fondatezza for one ermeneutica interpretation of the ontologia of the time of the being in the physis, the world, in the ontologico universe, congruente and conjugated with one mathesis topologica: from the topology of the being in the world to the topology of the ontologico time this will be the program unfolded in two bifurcations classic and virtual. The program classic will be centralized on the ontologica difference of the temporalità: in the epistemè, the technè, the mitopoiesi, the fenomenologia, the intenzionalità, the physis, the poetante thought, the imaginar....

    ontologia della poiesis di g.p. di monderose maggia che cos'è che dà magia al giorno? che cos'è che dà magia al tempo? che cos'è che dà magia ai sogni? che cos'è che dà magia all'universo? che cos'è che dà magia alla notte? che cos'è che dà magia alle stelle? che cos'è che dà magia ai suoi occhi? che cos'è che dà magia? magia? maggio? maggia? che cos'è che dà magia a maggio? che cos'è che dà magia al mito? che cos'è che dà magia al silenzio? che cos'è che dà magia all'anima? l'essere? l'interessere? l'interesserci....essere assentemente presente essere presentemente assente....essere nella magia dell'essere, essere la magia dell'essere, essere magia in essere....? [SM=g13435]